We can count by 10's up to 100!
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100!
We went to our 1st A.B.C. with Mr. V. yesterday!
We had lots of fun at all of the stations!
We go to A.B.C. on Day 3.
We wrote this blog together as a class at the computer lab. I asked the students what they wanted to share with their parents about what we have been doing in school, and this is what they came up with as a class. The were very excited to see their words and ideas up on the large Smart Board in our computer lab. We will now be going to the computer lab after lunch on Day 4 to add our "kindergarten happenings" to our classroom blog. Be sure to come back often to check it out!
Great job Mrs. Beiter's class. I love your song, I can tell you are learning EVERY day! Keep blogging, I want everyone to know how hard you are working in the classrooms of J. Henry Cochran! Go JHC!